The Importance of Diagnostic Care and Diagnostic Tests

The diagnostic process is the primary tool used by your primary care provider to identify health issues. It can be as simple as ordering an x-ray or as in depth as ordering comprehensive blood work to determine the cause of underlying, chronic symptoms.

What is Diagnostic Care?

Diagnostic care is the process of evaluating and treating an existing health condition, or determining your risk factors for developing one (taking things like family history into account). Diagnostic care can be simple, like getting an x-ray for a broken bone, but it can also be much more complex.

Primary care doctors are the front line professionals when it comes to ordering important tests like a colonoscopy if they have concerns.Your doctor can also request additional lab test results following a routine physical for further evaluation (then schedule a follow-up appointment and possibly order more specific blood work or scans).

Diagnostic tests also include radiology services like x-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, CTs and PET scans. If you have a chronic condition, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, then the periodic medical tests that you receive for these conditions are also considered diagnostic.

Patient getting bloodwork
Routine lab work

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Diagnostic Support at Meridian HealthCare

Our medical staff listens and cares – they use their extensive medical knowledge and decision making skills to deliver true whole person wellness!

If you don’t have a current health care provider or are looking for a doctor who will work to find the root cause of your health problems, reach out to Meridian’s primary care services!

Meridian Road Campus
527 N. Meridian Road
Youngstown,OH 44509

Phone: 330-797-0070
Fax: 330-797-1501

The Difference Between Diagnostic Care and Preventive Care

Preventive care focuses on disease prevention, which you typically undergo when you’re not having any symptoms or feeling sick. Wellness visits, immunizations, and preventive screening tests (such as yearly mammograms for breast cancer) fall under the category of preventive care. Typically, preventive care services are covered by your health insurance, and in most cases, no copayment, coinsurance, or deductible is necessary.

Diagnostic services, on the other hand, usually require some form of payment. It’s a good idea to check your insurance or health plan to familiarize yourself with what is and isn’t covered concerning both diagnostic and preventive services.

Diagnostic Care At Meridian HealthCare

The primary care team at Meridian HealthCare knows that getting the diagnosis right is essential for optimal health. And that’s why we place such high priority on our doctor/patient relationships!

At Meridian, we’re committed to providing the best in patient care – both physical and mental – for you and your family, and that includes understanding the importance of diagnostic tests and exceptional diagnostic care. Visit our primary care page to learn more about our primary care services.