What Should You Avoid After Acupuncture Treatment?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine, but remains extremely popular thanks to its many benefits. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners work with the energy that flows through the body, and when these channels are blocked or unbalanced, acupuncturists use needles to stimulate those specific points. Releasing this blocked energy relieves pain and restores balance to your body — and helps you feel better overall!
In order to get the most out of your session, we’ll give you some insight into acupuncture treatment itself and what not to do afterward!
Why Try Acupuncture Treatment?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain and improve health. Stimulating these acupuncture points promotes the natural healing process by restoring the body’s flow and clearing energy blockages. Acupuncture helps improve your overall wellness and is often a good addition to your treatment plan for a variety of health conditions.
Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment
- Relieve chronic pain, including back pain and migraines
- Boost the immune system
- Improve sleep, mood, and energy levels
- Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
- Treat digestive problems
- Relieve allergy symptoms
What NOT to Do Post-Acupuncture
As with many medical treatments, it’s important to be aware of the things/actions that can negatively impact the process. Here are the top things to avoid after an acupuncture session.
1. Don’t Eat Junk Food
After acupuncture therapy, avoid junk food and fast food. Acupuncture releases toxins from your body and unhealthy foods that are heavily processed (or fried) just bring them right back.
2. Avoid Exercise and Strenuous Activity
Wait until the next day before you start exercising because the body needs time to recover from the effects of acupuncture. This is especially important if you are experiencing some side effects after your appointment, such as soreness or stiffness.
3. Avoid Alcohol
Drinking alcohol dehydrates you, so it’s best to avoid it after an acupuncture treatment. Some people may feel slightly lightheaded following an appointment, and alcohol makes these symptoms worse.
4. Don’t Sit Too Long
Stagnation should also be avoided post-acupuncture. Acupuncture gets the body’s natural energy flowing, so while you should stay relaxed to avoid blockages, lying or sitting still for too long can also have adverse effects.
5. Avoid Certain Medications
If you are taking any medications, check with your doctor before scheduling an acupuncture appointment. While acupuncture is a natural healing procedure and does not introduce anything new into the body, certain medications like blood thinners may cause problems during your acupuncture session. If you are taking any medication that may affect how your body reacts to needles, tell your acupuncture practitioner at the beginning of your appointment.
6. Don’t Use Scented Lotions
Even though they aren’t noticeable to the eye (and you probably won’t even feel them), there are tiny wounds from where the needles were inserted. Putting scented lotions or creams on these areas following acupuncture can irritate your skin.
7. Avoid Extreme Temperatures
While ice packs and heating pads have their place, after an acupuncture treatment, you should avoid extreme cold or heat. Applying heat increases blood flow to that area, which can lead to bleeding at the acupuncture points.
On the other hand, cold temperatures can obstruct the flow of the energies and hinder the healing process. If you are experiencing any side effects of acupuncture that warrant hot or cold therapy, talk with your acupuncture practitioner for advice.
What TO DO After Acupuncture Sessions
After acupuncture treatment, there are also several things you should do so that you can get the most out of your session.
1. Drink Plenty of Water
One of the most important aspects of acupuncture is to drink plenty of water. The treatment itself releases toxins, so drinking water ahead of time helps flush them out. With aftercare, drinking water following the acupuncture appointment continues the detox process, as well.
2. Eat Healthy Foods
Acupuncture is great for your overall well-being, so nourishing your body with healthy foods after the treatment helps continue detoxification. It’s suggested to hold off eating your favorite junk food until the next day.
3. Keep it Moving
While strenuous exercise is a no-no, light movement can help you avoid feeling sore or tight after acupuncture treatment. This is especially important if you’re seeking acupuncture for pain relief. (Keeping that part of your body stagnant can potentially tighten the muscles and undo some of the benefits of acupuncture.)
4. Add to Your Treatment Plan
Acupuncture can help a lot of health conditions on its own, but it’s even better when it’s part of a larger treatment plan (inclusive of other services like massage and chiropractic care). Massage helps your muscles relax, while chiropractic has a therapeutic effect on the nervous system to provide pain relief, among other benefits.
5. Schedule Your Next Acupuncture Appointment
If you just tried acupuncture for the first time, consider scheduling more appointments. Consistent acupuncture sessions help regulate your body and keep the benefits lasting longer. Talk to your acupuncture practitioner for a personalized acupuncture treatment plan.
Ready to Try Acupuncture For Yourself?
Now that you know what not to do after acupuncture, it’s time to try it for the first time — or get back into the routine! When you’re ready to try it for yourself, call Meridian HealthCare! Our certified acupuncturists talk with you before your appointment so your treatment is tailored specifically to you. Contact us today, and start feeling better tomorrow!