Integrated health care services available at Meridian.

What Does Integrated Healthcare Look Like in 2023?

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, so does the concept of an integrated healthcare system. In 2023, integrated healthcare is poised to take on an increasingly important role in health care delivery, as healthcare providers seek to improve outcomes, enhance patient experiences, and contain costs.

The integration of physical and mental health care, emphasis on providing whole-person patient care, and the use of technology to facilitate communication among healthcare providers are just a few of the trends that are shaping the future of integrated healthcare.

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Patient receiving facial acupuncture treatment to reduce puffiness.

The Benefits of Facial Acupuncture

The face is the first thing people see when they look at you. It reveals your age, your state of mind, and can even give clues about your personality (before you open your mouth)!

It seems that everybody these days is looking for the perfect facial rejuvenation formula to fight the aging process, hoping to slow the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

→ [Free Download] Did you know that using key acupuncture points helps deliver more effective results? View our guide to see which points are best for your treatment plan!

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes it has the anti-aging answer, and that’s facial acupuncture. Benefits include increased collagen production, better circulation and even improved complexion. Is it possible you’ve stumbled upon a treatment that works better than Botox? Perhaps! Let’s learn more… Read more

Patient with health condition receiving acupuncture treatment.

Conditions That Can Benefit From Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of health conditions; it’s a traditional Chinese medicine that utilizes special acupuncture needles placed in the body at key points along energy pathways (known as meridians). 

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Patient receiving acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture: An Overview

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting very thin needles at specific points on the body. The U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) says that acupuncture is often used for chronic pain

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of health conditions, from back pain and migraines to allergies and skin problems. It can also help treat anxiety and depression, as well as certain painful symptoms that occur with cancer treatment. Acupuncture needles stimulate specific points along the body known as acupoints, and after being inserted into the body, these needles can be moved or twirled to stimulate the desired acupoint

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