Child mental health counselor talking with an adolescent.

Understanding Adolescent and Children’s Mental Health Statistics

As a parent or guardian, it’s natural to worry about your child’s health, and it can be scary when you start noticing signs of a mental health struggle in your son or daughter.

Current child mental health statistics show that mental health disorders are more common than you may realize. (In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that nearly half of all adolescents experience a mental health disorder at some point in their lives.) It’s important to seek help when you notice emotional distress, because in many cases, these issues can be part of a larger problem. Every single day, young children and adolescents are treated for mental illnesses — and successfully. There is help out there!

*If you think your child might have a mental health disorder, do not self-diagnose. Instead, reach out to a mental health care provider.

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Therapist providing effective mental health talk therapy for a patient.

What Are the Most Effective Mental Health Therapy Methods?

How many different types of psychotherapy are there? Are they effective at treating specific conditions and behavioral health? What is self-care? What’s the difference between cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy and narrative therapy?

There are a lot of questions to be answered when it comes to determining which treatment option is the most effective mental health therapy — but try not to get overwhelmed.

While it might seem like all forms of therapy are based on the same principles, slight variations make all the difference when it comes to effective treatment. Follow along to learn more about some of the most effective types of therapy for various conditions.

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Child mental health counselor during counseling session.

Finding the Right Therapist: How to Choose a Child Mental Health Counselor

There are lots of reasons that children can benefit from talking to a counselor. Whether to treat a mental illness or to simply build up self-esteem, talking with a mental health professional is a simple step that can make a big difference. However, it’s also important to know how to choose a child mental health counselor, because not every professional is a good fit!

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Mental health provider sitting with client.

Who Can Benefit From Mental Health Services?

People often make assumptions when it comes to mental health needs. But, the truth is that anyone can experience a form of depression or anxiety at some point in their lives — even when they look like they have it all together.

So, who benefits from mental health services most? Why do some people need more support than others? Learn more about the risk factors for mental health problems and how talking with a mental health professional can positively impact a variety of concerns.

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Mental health professionals.

What Is Mental Health and Why Is It Important?

Mental health is a term we hear a lot. But what is mental health, and why is it important to our overall wellness

Mental health is more than just the absence of mental illness; it’s your emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Like physical health, mental health can change over time and should be maintained throughout your life. People with good mental health can cope with daily stressors in a healthy way, work productively and contribute to their communities. 

Mental illness, on the other hand, is a diagnosable illness that significantly impacts daily life. This can include changes in mood, personality, personal habits, or social withdrawal. 

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Parent practicing skills for how to nurture a child's mental health.

How to Nurture Your Child’s Mental Health for a Happier, Healthier Life

If you’re a parent or guardian, chances are that you have worried about your child’s mental health at one point or another. Whether you’ve had concerns about anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, eating disorders, or other problems, in the end you just want to rest assured that you can positively impact your child’s ability to grow and thrive.

The good news is that many adolescent mental health conditions can be successfully treated, especially when identified early on. The sooner you seek help for your child, the better chance they have to overcome their challenges and avoid more serious issues in the future. Read on to learn more about how to nurture your child’s mental health.

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Child at a counseling session.

Signs That Can Mean Your Child Needs Counseling Support

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference between normal growing pains and a serious emotional struggle. Children who are depressed, anxious, or dealing with other mental health concerns often know that something feels wrong, but find it difficult to get the help they need.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 children (aged 2-8 years) have a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.  Sadly, pediatricians and parents often mistake the early symptoms of childhood depression for normal moodiness or other behavioral problems, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). So, the importance of early detection and treatment for children with mental health issues cannot be stressed enough.

If you think your child is struggling but you’re not sure if he or she needs professional help, you may want to take a closer look at their day-to-day behavior. Below are some of the most common warning signs that your child needs therapy support.

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Therapy session for mental health concern.

Symptoms of Depression: How to Spot the Signs and Get Help

Depression isn’t about simply having a “bad day.” It’s not a failure of character. It’s not because you’re lazy or tired. Depression is an illness, and there’s treatment out there! That’s why it’s so important to recognize the symptoms of depression as soon as possible.

Nobody wants to talk about it, but a shockingly high number of Americans suffer from depression every year. Depression is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. It’s a real medical condition that affects many people. So, what is depression, and how can you spot it in yourself or a loved one?

This blog will take you through a basic understanding of depression and common characteristics of the disorder. If you recognize these symptoms of depression, do not self-diagnose and seek help from a professional. *If this is an emergency, please call 911 or reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

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A mental health professional who can help with the most common mental disorders.

What Are the Most Common Mental Disorders?

Just like a broken bone, mental illness should be diagnosed and treated. However, it’s estimated that half of those with a mental health disorder never receive the care they need. Mental health problems are extremely common and affect millions of people. Here are some of the most common mental disorders that can affect a person’s ability to function on a day-to-day basis.

**If you feel like you might have a mental health disorder, do not self-diagnose. Instead, reach out to a mental health service provider.

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